Executive Members

President: Claude Overholt

Claude Overholt has been a member of CASARA since 1981 and is currently the President/Treasurer of CASARA Ontario. Claude started his aviation career with the purchase of an aircraft on skis and floats, no wheels.

He obtained his private pilot’s license on the aircraft and had to get a wheel endorsement after receiving his private pilot’s license. He started an aviation company selling aircraft and aviation accessories. Upon receiving his commercial pilots license he moved on to many years of commercial float flying. In 1994 he and a friend started Niagara Air Tours to fly tourists over Niagara Falls, a Charter and Flying School, selling the business in 2005. They operated eight aircraft including piston and turbine. Carrying 20,000 passengers a year. He flew as a search pilot for CASARA for many years. First in a Cessna 185 amphibian, then moved to a Beaver amphibian.

Director of Operations: Terry Nord

Terry Nord is CASARA Director of Operations responsible for oversight of Safety, Training and Standards. He is a member of the Executive team. Terry joined CASARA Niagara in May 2009 after a 40 year career in RCAF and commercial aviation. In the past he has served as Training Officer for Niagara and Standards Officer for the Province. His qualifications include Spotter, Search Coordinator and Assistant Search Master.